Having fully recovered from the bushfires, we are now all involved in unusual circumstances again. Rest assured, however, that ‘Somewhere Unique’ is open and that we will continue to welcome you while respecting all current precautionary measures.

Our standards of hygiene and cleaning were already well beyond accepted industry norms, but we have recently heighten these standards, combined with taking additional precautions. For example, we will continue to rigorously disinfect all surfaces, door handles, and even keys, and we will ensure that all linen and towels are washed at a mimimum temperature of 60 degrees.

Similar hygiene reviews are being undertaken and enforced throughout the Wollombi Valley and meanwhile, due to recent rain, the air is clear and the water is pristine.

And so we encourage you to make your booking to visit ‘Somewhere Unique’ – as always, we have no check-in process and, if you so choose, you do not need to come into contact with anyone throughout the entirety of your stay. Our retreats are completely secluded and private.

Maintaining your safety and wellbeing is our duty, so visit ‘Somewhere Unique’ with peace of mind, and relax, take a breath, and enjoy a perfect escape from these troubled times.

Kind regards

David & Murray