We are happy to see the sun back and the start of roads and countryside drying up. You may have seen in the news that Wollombi was hit hard by the floods in early July with our ‘local’ The Wollombi Tavern’ going under, along with a number of homes and roadways. Community spirit is amazing and the resilience of locals admirable in such circumstances. We were fortunate at Somewhere Unique to be up high, so stayed dry and cosy. We were ‘flooded in” on Narone Creek Road for a few days, a small sacrifice compared to others.
As with country living the birds and wildlife adapt, with the kangaroos grazing in higher paddocks, the wombats moving to drier ground and the birds enjoying their new peaceful wetlands. Life went quiet for a while, but Wollombi is now welcoming back visitors and looking forward to sunnier days ahead.
Julia & The Groundsman (Nick)